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 Hanging Gardens of Babylon - the dark and incomprehensible of all the wonders of the world, the scientific world even questioned whether they really or is it just the fruit of someone's imagination, moving from record to record.
 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon under the pyramids. They were built in those days, when there existed "Odyssey" and the Greek cities were built. And at the same time, the gardens is much closer to the Egyptian ancient world than to the Greek world. Gardens marked a decline of the Assyrian-Babylonian power, contemporaries of ancient Egypt, its rival. And if all the pyramids have survived and are alive today, the Hanging Gardens were short-lived and disappeared, along with Babylon - majestic, but not strong giant of clay.
 Babylon has rolled to a close. He ceased to be the capital of a great power and was turned into the Persian invaders in the center of one of satrapies, when there came the armies of Alexander of Macedon - a man, though not built one of the wonders of the world, but also affect to some extent on the fate of many of the great monuments of the past, for their creation or destruction.
 Interestingly, the most spread out with ink on papyrus those who Gardens have never seen, and had been in Babylon, silent as a fish. Cuneiform of Babylon, also keeps a deathly silence about the Gardens. Think about it - they were at all or not. That ancient historians neighboring powers blinded in one beam and semi-mythical Semiramis, who reigned for two hundred years before Nebuchadnezzar, and he himself, along with hanging gardens, and was credited with Saddam "visyachest, although the entire description is simply a multi-story structure with a continuous landscaping.
 The official version is ...Nebuchadnezzar built the gardens in the VI century BC to his beloved Princess Median Amitis. Babylon in those years was a noisy, dusty town, and a young queen, suffering from a striking contrast with the capital of his native place, fragrant greenery, frequently complained of headache, malaise and lack of tone. Loving husband Nebuchadnezzar appeared in a dilemma - either move closer to Babylon brooks mussels or place his wife at the place of comfort. Choose not specifically accounted for, and local engineers and sages were puzzled by the king of quick resolution of problems greening the city.
 The construction of gardens, a shelter for the queen, were thrown all forces of the ancient kingdom, the whole experience of its builders and mathematicians. Babylon showed the world that could create the world's first monument to love. And the name of the queen fairy way mixed up in memory of descendants with the name of another, the Assyrian ruler, and the gardens became known as the Gardens of Babylon - maybe it was jealousy of human memory, for which the great deeds should be associated with the great name. Queen Tamara has never lived in a castle named after her, and never being a godly woman who loves her second husband and children who do not even think about how to throw off the rocks hapless lovers. But the tragedy must be consecrated by the great name: otherwise, it lacks drama.
 Best minds in Babylon long and boring sweating, give birth until the plan of improvement, then they also killed a lot of slaves in the course of the project. From an engineering point of view of park structure was as follows: four stories on the columns of 25 meters, the overlap in the form of brick arches on them cane with asphalt, on lead plates, then the black earth, then the actual greens that to heighten the gratification wife king had to coach from all over mussels. Ancient engineers cleverly solved the problem of waterproofing - used to do this layer of reeds mixed with asphalt, gypsum and lead plates. No less ingenious irrigation system has been arranged. Water is pumped from the river Euphrates to the top of the pyramid at a special tube, and then leaked to the landing.
Construction was still going, still smoked brick factories, where the wide flat burnt bricks, still wandered in the lower reaches of the Euphrates endless caravans of carts with fertile river silt, and from the north had arrived the seeds of rare herbs and shrubs, tree seedlings. In winter, when it was cooler on heavy wagons pulled by oxen, began arriving in the city of big trees, carefully wrapped in a damp mat.
 Nebuchadnezzar has proved her love. Over the hundred-meter walls of Babylon, so broad that they could disperse two chariots, rose green hat trees in the garden. On the upper deck, basking in the cool shade, listening to the murmur of the water jets - night and day slaves pump water from the Euphrates for many miles around the queen saw only the green land of their powers.
 In general, the building was like a pyramid based on approximately 42 to 34 meters. Guess the birds flitted among the trees, butterflies and bees were buzzing around the flowers. So it goes without saying - though hanging gardens could not be compared with the natural landscape of the Medes, but still served as a worthy substitute, and the queen Amitis contentedly strolling through the alleys, finally saying goodbye to the blues and nostalgia.
 But the gardens, because of its fragility and its critical dependence on water and care for long stood as a legend, they came to an end almost immediately after the end of Alexander of Macedon, who reposed in them. If the numbers, then we get somewhere so two hundred years.
 With the death of Alexander of Macedon instantly crumbled his empire into pieces rastaschennaya uppity generals. And Babylon did not have to again become the capital of the world. He zahirel, life gradually gone out of him. Flooding destroyed the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, bricks hastily constructed gardens were not burned, collapsed high columns, platforms and stairs collapsed. True, trees and exotic flowers have died much earlier: there was no one day and night to pump water from the Euphrates.
 Today, tour guides show at Babylon on one of the clay hills of brown, stuffed, like all the hills of Babylon, the debris of bricks and shards of tiles, as the remnants of the gardens of Babylon.
 Reconstruction, of course, nothing to do with the very wonder of the world do not have - it's just fantasy on the theme of Gardens.

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